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Portland, Oregon Bookkeeping Find & Compare Bookkeeping Professionals in Portland, Oregon

Both for-profit and nonprofit organizations usually comply with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). These represent accounting rules that standardize reporting of financial portland bookkeeping statements. Since nonprofit organizations risk losing their tax-exempt status if...

About Form 1040-ES, Estimated Tax for Individuals Internal Revenue Service

Estimated tax payments should be made as income is earned, and the IRS collects them quarterly. These dates don’t coincide with regular calendar quarters, though. However, if your income is received unevenly during the...

Depreciable Business Assets: What Are They?

If you have a short tax year of 3 months or less, use the mid-quarter convention for all applicable property you place in service during that tax year. You must make the election on...

Remote Accounting Services: What It Is and How It Can Help

It can be done by a remote, but local, bookkeeping company or it can be done from anywhere in the world by a remote, virtual bookkeeping company. Outsourced bookkeeping services provide the same services...